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The Alliance to Protect Home Care, along with Consumer Directed Action of New York (CDANY), invites you to a rally to save CDPAP on Wednesday, November 13th, at West Capitol Park in Albany, NY at 11 AM. This event is outdoors, so please dress for the weather.

We have been fighting against the disastrous law to eliminate all fiscal intermediaries (FIs) and replace them with a single, out-of-state corporation. Last month, DOH announced it is giving that contract to PPL, a company being sued for wage theft with a record of service disruptions and inept management.

We are expecting at least 500 CDPAP consumers, personal assistants (PAs), and allies.

It is not too late to stop this catastrophic mistake that will cost thousands their freedom and very lives – and we are not giving up. Please join us on November 13th to help us save CDPAP. 


Everyone is responsible for your own transportation to Albany for this event. However, some organizations may be arranging bus or van transportation. 

More information coming soon…

Map of the Capitol Park

Access a map here. Our location will be West Park, located on the upper right of the map.

What to Bring
  • Warm clothing – it is November, after all.
  • Something to drink and a snack.
  • If you have a favorite advocacy t-shirt or buttons, we encourage you to wear them.
  • Handmade signs. We will have a limited supply of pre-printed signs. 
  • As many of your colleagues, friends, family etc. as you can gather.